
Maryland Home Improvement License (MHIC) 

Zitro Services LLC


In addition to general contractor’s licenses, Zitro Services LLC can also assist with obtaining a Maryland Home Improvement License (MHIC). This license is required for any home improvement work exceeding $500 in value and must be renewed every two years. The MHIC license covers a wide range of construction trades, making it an essential credential for contractors looking to expand their services. 

The application process for the MHIC license involves passing an exam, providing proof of experience, and submitting necessary documentation such as insurance and financial statements. Zitro Services LLC can help you prepare for the exam and guide you through all other requirements to obtain your MHIC license efficiently. With this credential, you can tap into the growing demand for home improvement projects and secure a competitive advantage in the market.

Obtain your License!

Start Working under the law.
Avoid civil and criminal penalties.
Be ahead of your competitors.
Don’t lose out on business and contracts.
Project a trustworthy and professional business impression to your current and prospective clients.
Get your information as a public record to be reached by clients.
Promote your business with no fear. A license is required on all your promotional material.

How to Become Licensed

Take our MHIC Course

Pass the MHIC License Exam

Apply for your MHIC License

Receive your MHIC License

Why Choose Zitro

Take our MHIC Course

We have assisted 2000+ Contractors

Flexible Schedules Weekendor Weekdays

Many Practice Exams

Qualified and Reliable Instructors

Exam Approval Rate

Ready to take the MHIC Exam?

We have designed the eleven-question Zitro Quiz to see how likely you are to pass the MHIC Exam.

Let Us Advise You

+1 (301) 434-0314

1738 Elton Rd Suite 222
Silver Spring
MD 20903

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